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Steve Edwards AKA Midknight blessed the FWF this year with his tremendous talent. All make-believe aside, Edwards was given the opportunity to be pushed for the Backyard Championship --- he was given the ball and ran with it. I've never seen such quick improvement in an FWF superstar in so little a time. Last year, Edwards was a FWF personality who worked well in the backyard, but just couldn't show up for shows when we needed him. But this year, he answered the call and leaped every obstacle we threw at him. He played the role of the obsessed, calculating, ruthless, bad guy that we wanted. He did it convincingly. Some feel that even without the addition of Ghetto Sheik at his side he would have still appeared every bit as competent and capable as ever! I know that some of the bookers were concerned if he was able to pull off the believability needed in such a complex storyline. But he made it frighteningly real. I say that because I can recall the number of times during FWF meetings when I would explain to some random FWF superstar (Crippler, Myers, HitMan, Marcus Donovan, or Referee Joe) that Edwards was going to spear them. The general reaction was "Oh, Sh*t!" or a deep breath when the realization hit them that it was going to happen. As someone who has never received "The Riot," (as it's called) I still feel their pain! Edwards is leaving the FWF to possibly join the armed forces! His time spent here was extremely helpful for us the bookers (who were glad to have him aboard) and for the morale of this company (When the FWF got arrested by the police, Edwards was one of the first to say "F*ck it, I'm not going to stop wrestling."). Whether he decides to return after his tenure or not doesn’t matter as much as that he helped out his friends who needed him --- and that speaks volumes about his character. Thanks, Midknight!

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